
Designing the New Hybrid Meeting Experience — For Everyone

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The future everyone anticipated during the pandemic is here: A hybrid era with flexible work locations where everyone needs to be on equal ground no matter where they are. With people spending 148 percent more time each week in Microsoft Teams meetings than before the pandemic and 66 percent of decision makers considering redesigning physical spaces to accommodate hybrid work, making meetings more inclusive is a must. This blog tells the story about how teams from across Microsoft work together to help remote and in-person workers see eye-to-eye. Read the blog to learn from Microsoft's experience.

Does the Future of Work Include a Shift to Hybrid Work?

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In our continually evolving new normal, it looks likely the hybrid work model will replace conventional, full-time in-office models. This is confirmed by surveys including from McKinsey & Company showing that many millions of Americans engage in hybrid work arrangements and want more of it. To derive the most value from hybrid work and attract and retain talent, leaders of distributed work need to continually fine-tune their approach to work flexibility. In this LinkedIn blog post, former Accenture marketing leader, Katrina Klier, provides tips to consider. Read the blog here.

Data protection still a barrier to adopting cloud services

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Concern about data security is keeping many mid-sized organizations from fully adopting cloud services. This article in Technology Magazine reports that 44 percent worry that data protection is compromised in the cloud and over 54 percent feel that security threats are increased by cloud services. Read the blog for insight on barriers.

I Outsourced My Memory to AI for 3 Weeks

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Thanks to the Internet and smart phones, we now have the opportunity to access endless sources of information. But few of us can remember all the articles, social media threads, podcasts that we read and hear every day.  

Can AI-driven memory apps help? 

Read this article exploring the issues involved in memory retention and how AI memory assistants could help.