Microsoft Build 2022

Joel Rollins 0 1061
On May 24-26, Microsoft Build is holding its developer conference, and once again it will be a virtual event. As usual, the conference will kick off with a series of keynotes followed by deep dive sessions.

Pin SharePoint Shared Libraries to OneDrive Quick Access

Joel Rollins 0 1130
Microsoft is adding the capability to pin shared document libraries to the Quick Access section in OneDrive (web) to easily find and access the places where you regularly work. They are also surfacing a list of your recently used shared libraries on the More Places page within OneDrive to help you find the places that you’ve recently opened files from. 

World Password Day: Microsoft, Google, and Apple Consider Ditching Passwords

Joel Rollins 0 857
May 5, 2022 was World Password Day. In celebration, Microsoft commemorated the day by helping people move away from passwords altogether. The company announced support for the expansion of a password-less standard created by the FIDO Alliance and the World Wide Web consortium. Apple and Google also announced support for the standard, which is a major step forward toward a password-less future.