Being able to effectively collaborate with external partners is now essential to driving positive business outcomes.
No business is too small for a cyberattack so it's important to know when and if you're a target.
Demand driven material requirements planning (DDMRP) is the next evolution in materials requirements planning.
The process of estimating cost savings from moving communications to the cloud can be tricky.
Ever since 2004, October has been Cybersecurity Awareness Month, an effort by the Department of Homeland Security and the nonprofit, industry-sponsored National Cybersecurity Alliance to promote awareness of cybersecurity.
Most IT decision makers believe hybrid work will be the new norm as businesses encourage staff to come back to the office. That puts the pressure on organizations to support new forms of collaboration and reshape employee experiences.
Microsoft has been focusing on interaction response times and improving overall performance for Teams users...
Imagine what could be accomplished if you had trust in every digital experience and interaction you had?
In the same way our traditional economy has shifted toward gig workers for efficiency, criminals are learning that there's less work and less risk involved by renting or selling their tools for a portion of the profits than performing attacks themselves.
The future of hybrid work requires companies to reimagine the employee experience and decide what hybrid work should look like.