Microsoft previously announced that they want to make it easier for organizations to leverage their existing content when creating surveys or quizzes in Microsoft Forms
Microsoft has launched a new Experience Insights dashboard that will help IT managers ensure that all users have the best experience.
A New Microsoft Stream feature allows users to have threaded conversations on a video or audio file saved in OneDrive or SharePoint.
SharePoint recommends a maximum of 2,000 lists and libraries per site, and 2,000 subsites per site. These have been long standing limits for SharePoint but have not been formally enforced.
Microsoft 365 customers can now make demos, explainer videos, and async communication videos directly in Microsoft 365 with the new Stream camera.
Microsoft is updating the Share button in Microsoft OneDrive to provide easy access to additional sharing options
Microsoft has announced an upcoming refresh to the OneNote app on Android Mobile.
Stream Classic is transitioning to Stream on SharePoint and now Microsoft has created a new Stream app and landing page to support the new experience
Many are leveraging their existing content when creating surveys/quizzes on Microsoft Forms. Recreating everything in Forms can be very time consuming. Microsoft has heard the feedback and is introducing a new experience that will assist in converting existing content into Forms with just 1-click.
Office Mobile is a content hub which houses a bunch of content types – from your favorite Word, Excel, PowerPoint to Lens, Forms, PDFs, and now very recently, Videos.