If you are a new Forms user and find creating great forms from scratch a bit daunting, you will love this update!
The rebuilt Stream mobile app and the beta versions for Android and iOS are now available.
You can now register to digitally or physically attend Microsoft Ignite 2022
Microsoft is releasing an update to allow a user to consume video content on the same site page where they encountered the video.
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Currently all file downloads from Microsoft Teams go to the Downloads folder. Microsoft is releasing a new feature that enables users to be able to choose their preferred download location.
Microsoft Teams makes it extremely easy to join a meeting on a secondary device, but it isn’t always easy to leave that same meeting. Microsoft also realizes this and is developing an update to address the issue.
Microsoft is introducing a new Activity column in OneDrive My Files list view.
Microsoft will soon release an update that will allow SharePoint users to control how navigation links open in a browser.
Coming soon, mobile users will be able to view Microsoft Teams meeting recordings on their phone or tablet.
Now you can set Adobe Acrobat as the default app to view and edit PDF files in the Microsoft Teams.
Microsoft announced the rollout of the modern experience of the global term store for Syntex & SharePoint admin center in November 2021.
Outlook for iOS is supported on the two most recent versions of iOS. When a new version of iOS is released, Outlook’s Operating System requirement becomes the two most recent versions: the current version of iOS and watchOS and the previous version.
Time for a roundup of Microsoft Teams for August.
Microsoft Teams now has an even stronger integration with Microsoft Forms.